Tag: Process Builder

Migration to Flow: My Overall Thoughts on the Migrate to Flow Tool

What do I think of the Migrate to Flow tool offered by Salesforce to help Admins migrate their Workflow Rules and Processes into Flow? In this post, the third and final post in this mini-series on the Migrate to Flow tool, I share my thoughts on the tool overall and provide some brief insight into what makes for a successful migration to Flow from older automation tools.

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Migration to Flow: How to Migrate Existing Process Builders to Flow with Migrate to Flow

We continue our series on the Migrate to Flow tool in this post focusing on how you can use the tool to migrate Processes built in Process Builder to Flow. This post will see an example of the migration of a Process into Flow, a review of the result of said migration and coverage of how I would build out a Flow from scratch to meet the requirements of the scenario used in this post.

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